-The Hindu The report of an RBI-appointed committee on financial inclusion and financial deepening has stimulated a wide-ranging debate on these crucial areas. However, policy measures initiated by the government and the RBI while adding to the numbers of new bank branches, new accounts and so on did not really enhance the quality of such inclusive practices. In September last year, the RBI asked the committee chaired by Nachiket Mor...
India is still a hunger hotspot -Arvind Virmani and Charan Singh
-The Hindu Business Line Malnutrition, lack of clean water and prevalence of poor sanitation are the main causes of high child mortality in India. The Global Hunger Index (GHI) was released by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Welt Hunger Hilfe (WHH) recently. According to the GHI, the world has made some progress in reducing hunger since the early 1990s and the millennium development goal of halving the share of...
More »Is India ready for non-profit media?-Sevanti Ninan
-The Hoot We can either spend another year discovering how much the old model is disintegrating or we can explore alternatives. But India has not developed a tradition as yet of not-for-profit journalism, says SEVANTI NINAN. Two recent developments at the New York Times and at Time Inc. which publishes Time magazine underscore the fact that financing has and will remain become the number one issue for the future of journalism as...
More »Salaam Mumbai! -Anupama Katakam
-Frontline A report by ActionAid and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences highlights the vulnerability and tragic living conditions of thousands of children who take shelter in Mumbai's streets. IN 1988, the acclaimed film-maker Mira Nair made Salaam Bombay!, a poignantly revealing film on street children in Mumbai. The plot revolves around the protagonist, Krishna or "Chaipau", who is kicked out of his home by his mother for having damaged his...
More »How to feed nine billion people, and feed them well -Zareen Bharucha
-The Conversation Resource-intensive agriculture, despite its productivity, nevertheless has failed to feed the world's current population, never mind the nine billion people expected by 2050. This system that currently fails both people and planet is ripe for revision. We need to be more ambitious, to go beyond simply producing more. We need to produce more of what's good - not just cereal staples, but nutrition-dense foods - in ways that can prevent...
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