-The Times of India The court orders directing Times Now to deposit Rs 100 crore as a precondition for appeal in a defamation case involving Justice P B Sawant appears to have become a rallying point for the media, both electronic and print. On Friday, three top media organizations joined two journalist bodies, Editors' Guild of India and Foundation of Media Professionals, to stress that such orders pose a threat to the...
Delivering an effective RTI by Anupam Saraph
Bhausaheb R Wakchaure, Shiv Sena MP from Shirdi, has introduced a private members bill (Bill No. 70 of 2011) proposing that information requested under the (Right To Information) RTI can be denied to applicants who do not state the reason they require the information or it is the opinion of the competent authority that reasons given by the applicant are not adequate or are factually incorrect. The proposed bill will destroy...
More »Times Now judgement: Media bodies express 'deep dismay' at SC ruling
The Editors Guild of India has expressed its concern at the implications of Monday's ruling of the Supreme Court, rejecting a Special Leave Petition seeking a stay against a high court order asking the Times Now channel to deposit Rs 100 crore as a pre-condition for hearing its appeal. "While recognising that the law of defamation is an important qualification of the fundamental right to Freedom of expression, the Guild believes...
More »Nobody’s Property by Lola Nayar
How do you quantify happiness in a diverse nation like ours? Growth levels, value-based structural changes, what can affect it? Life is Elsewhere? Bhutan’s GNH: Based on the Buddhist doctrine of harmony with environment and fellow beings besides material comfort UNDP Human Development Report: Ranks nations on quality of life—adjusted real income, life expectancy, education etc World Values Survey: Started in 1995, it explores impact of social and political changes...
More »ET Awards Agenda for Renewal: Involve people in decision-making, says Arvind Kejriwal
-The Economic Times What should be the agenda for national renewal? Should we discuss what should be done in individual sectors like agriculture, infrastructure, energy, etc., and plead before the rulers of modern democracy to accept some of our suggestions or should we focus on the decision-making processes itself, which exist in governance today? Who takes decisions in our 'democracy'? Who influences these decisions? Are these processes really democratic? Is lack of...
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