-The Times of India MUMBAI: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Wednesday said that Rs 15.28 lakh crore --or 99% of the Rs 15.44 lakh crore demonetised by withdrawal of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes on November 8, 2016 --has been deposited with banks. The disclosure dashes hopes of the government earning a windfall by extinguishing trillions of rupees worth demonetised currency that has not been returned. In its annual report, the...
Demonetisation: In value, digital deals surge, then dip to 5-month -Sunny Verma & Pranav Mukul
-The Indian Express Demonetisation: On digital transactions, too, RBI data shows that the volume of electronic payments, after peaking in December 2016 at 957.50 million transactions compared with 671.49 million in November, has been on a decline. New Delhi: When it launched the currency withdrawal in November, the NDA government had outlined four key objectives of the demonetisation exercise: detection of black money, elimination of fake currency, squeezing funds available for...
More »Agri Ministry wants tax exemption for FPOs
-The Hindu Business Line Women farmers face the brunt; GST adds to their woes New Delhi: The Agriculture Ministry has written to the Finance Ministry seeking income-tax exemption for farmer produce organisations (FPOs), particularly for those that are registered as farmer producer companies (FPO) under the Companies Act. “These FPOs were brought in to negotiate the problems that are faced by cooperative societies. So they are naturally eligible for all the benefits that...
More »BJP MPs stall panel report flaying demonetisation
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The parliamentary standing committee on Finance failed on Tuesday to adopt two reports critical of the government — on demonetisation and on the revised formula for calculating growth — in the face of vocal opposition by BJP and some non-NDA parties. The report on demonetisation, circulated in the morning ahead of the committee meeting, said the measure had cost the economy 1% of GDP. The other...
More »Govt mulling 2% relief on GST for digital payments -Pankaj Doval
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: You may soon need to shell out less if you pay digitally. The government is looking at giving a 2% incentive over the applicable GST tax rate in case of digital payments where the bill is up to Rs 2,000, in a move aimed at discouraging cash payments. According to sources, the proposal - which may give the benefit in the form of a discount or...
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