-The Hindu Cash in circulation and ATM withdrawals have only increased, RBI data shows Thursday, November 8, marks the second anniversary of the demonetisation exercise. It was on the same day in 2016 that Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that ?1,000 and ?500 currency notes would no longer be legal tender. These notes constituted over 86% of the currency in circulation, then. One of the objectives of demonetisation was to move to a...
Poverty in all its faces -C Rangarajan & S Mahendra Dev
-The Indian Express Growth can alleviate poverty but its definition needs to expand to make any tangible difference on the ground. Amidst the din caused by the story of rising billionaires, the message on India’s poverty decline in the recent report of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative has been lost. UNDP and Oxford University released the report on Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 2018. This report covers 105 countries. The...
More »India's wealthy barely pay taxes -CP Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
-NetworkIdeas.org India is often mistakenly seen as a country with relatively low economic inequality. In fact, there were always very significant economic inequalities in India, which intersected with social and locational inequalities in complex ways. More significantly, the country’s inequalities widened after the internal and external economic liberalization measures from the early 1990s, which attracted global financial investors and boosted economic Growth considerably. The estimates of low inequality are usually based on...
More »How GST and demonetisation impacted govt finances -Tadit Kundu
-Livemint.com Tax collections from goods and services tax (GST) have been underwhelming, and the government is set to miss this year’s fiscal deficit target Mumbai: Widening the tax base and collecting more taxes has been a priority for the current government at the centre. This government’s two major economic disruptions—the introduction of goods and services tax (GST) and demonetisation—were justified in the name of raising tax compliance among other things. However, these...
More »GDP and jobs not good at tango -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph Higher GDP Growth rate has often been accompanied by slowing job Growth, an Azim Premji University report says New Delhi: Job creation has not only failed to keep pace with the country’s GDP Growth over the decades, a higher GDP Growth rate has often been accompanied by a slowing job Growth, a recent report says. The State of Working India 2018, a report by the Azim Premji University, would come as...
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