-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Delhi government has filed a criminal case in the Patiala House courts here against two Hindi channels and one English channel for telecasting videos that have been found to be doctored, a government source said. The channels had telecast videos of JNU students, including Kanhaiya Kumar, Umar Khalid and Anirban Bhattacharya, at an event to commemorate Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru's execution on February 9 on the...
Organic farming gaining popularity in Anantapur -Ravi P Benjamin
-TheHansIndia.com * Excessive use of chemical fertilisers on vegetables and fruits is causing cancer to the consumers * 4,500 farmers are cultivatingin 15,000 acres in organic zones of 10 clusters in 8 mandals Raptadu (Anantapur): The district is in for a major organic revolution with the department of Agriculture taking the lead and initiative to wean away farmers from excessive use of fertilisers and pesticides and the disastrous effects of chemical residues on...
More »Just 4 institutes account for a third of India’s research output -Sanchita Sharma
-Hindustan Times India has the best and the worst medical education in the world, according to a review of the world’s largest database of peer-reviewed literature. Four medical colleges in India are among the top 10 global institutions that published the most research between 2004 and 2014, while around 60% of the country’s 579 medical institutions have published no research in a decade. Only 25 (4.3%) institutions published more than 100 papers a...
More »Blinded by higher yields
-The Pioneer Local crop varieties are resilient but ignored Recent Reports that well-known plant scientist Debal Deb has found a traditional rice variety in West Bengal that contains silver and has medicinal properties, has aroused public interest. Who knew that a rice grain, or for that matter any plant variety, could naturally assimilate the precious metal from the soil? The discovery is a humbling reminder of the many mysteries that nature continues...
More »India to appeal against WTO solar ruling in next few days
-PTI London: The February ruling came in the wake of a U.S. complaint before the global trade body alleging discrimination against American firms. India will appeal against WTO panel’s ruling that the country’s power purchase agreements with solar firms were “inconsistent” with international norms, in the next few days. The February ruling came in the wake of a U.S. complaint before the global trade body alleging discrimination against American firms. “Next few days,” said...
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