-The Hindu Trinamool jumps on Opposition bandwagon, while Akali Dal backs move Cabinet clearance for Foreign Direct Investment in multi-brand retail led to tumult and uproar in Parliament, with both Houses adjourning without transacting any business for the third successive day on Friday. Going by the Opposition's hostile reaction, there is a question mark over smooth conduct of proceedings when Parliament meets on Monday. Communist Party of India Parliamentary Party leader Gurudas Dasgupta has...
In climate talks West would redefine rich and poor
-AP As delegates gather in South Africa to plot the next big push against climate change, Western governments are saying it’s time to move beyond traditional distinctions between industrial and developing countries and get China and other growing economies to accept legally binding curbs on greenhouse gases. It will be a central theme for the 20,000 national officials, lobbyists, scientists and advocates gathering under U.N. auspices in the coastal city of Durban...
More »Pranab claim specious, short on facts: CPI (M)
-The Hindu The Communist Party of India (Marxist) on Thursday refuted the “specious explanations” on inflation given by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee saying his statement hid the government's failure to check price rise. Reacting to his November 22 suo motu statement in Parliament, the CPI(M) Polit Bureau said: “It is nothing but an exercise in deception to conceal the utter failure of the UPA government in checking the relentless price rise.” While referring...
More »UPA opens the door for global retailers
-The Times of India After debating the issue for over a decade, the government on Thursday threw open the multi-brand retail segment to foreign chains such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour and others in a move to attract overseas investment and dispel doubts about the coalition's ability to push through big-bang reforms. After nearly two hours of discussion on Thursday evening, the Union Cabinet decided to allow foreign retailers to hold 51% stake in...
More »Food inflation fanned by change in dietary habits: D Subbarao, Governor, RBI
-The Economic Times Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, D Subbarao said on Tuesday that India's food inflation was fanned by change in dietary habits. Commenting on High inflation, Subbarao said that underlying drivers of inflation have changed. "India needs to address challenge of food inflation. Food inflation has substantially come down but over the last 3.5 years since 2008-2009, average food inflation has shot up higher than the past 6...
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