Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee Tuesday said the estimate of black money stashed abroad by Indians and Indian entities was estimated at between $462 billion and $1.4 trillion and every step within means was being taken to bring it back. He also made it clear that unless there are legal provisions in other countries, the two pacts India has been entering with them -- double tax avoidance treaties and information exchange agreements...
High Price for India’s Information Law by Lydia Polgreen
Amit Jethwa had just left his lawyer’s office after discussing a lawsuit he had filed to stop an illicit limestone quarry with ties to powerful local politicians. That is when the assassins struck, speeding out of the darkness on a roaring motorbike, pistols blazing. He died on the spot, blood pouring from his mouth and nose. He was 38. Mr. Jethwa was one of millions of Indians who had embraced...
More »India may have to wait till 2012 for information on black money
India, Switzerland had signed a protocol to amend the DTA last year It is expected to help India get details about illicit wealth India may have to wait till at least next year for information from Switzerland on the possible black money trail to Swiss banks, as a treaty for the same might come into force only by the end of 2011. The treaty needs to be ratified by various authorities in India...
More »Bill on corruption likely in Budget session: Moily
Battling a string of scams, the UPA government is likely to introduce a bill in the Budget session of Parliament to rein in corruption. "We are bringing a separate bill on corruption in accordance with the UN convention," Law Minister M Veerappa Moily told reporters here. He said the government intended to bring the legislation in the next session itself. "In that direction, we are proceeding," he said. "We have agreed to the...
More »GoM works on quick trials by Sanjay K Jha
The Group of Ministers tasked to suggest ways to curb corruption in public life is weighing a constitutional amendment to fast-track the trials of officials indicted for graft. Sources said changes could be incorporated in Article 311 of the Constitution (dealing with dismissal, removal or demotion of government officials) to provide for summary proceedings in cases of grave misdemeanour or blatant corruption. Also under consideration are amendments to the Prevention of Corruption...
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