-The Telegraph Nisha Kumari, a Class VIII student in Uttar Pradesh, has taken her school to court because it charges fees her father cannot afford. The Dalit girl from Hathras district today petitioned Allahabad High Court to direct the government-run Girls’ Inter College in Sasni to stop charging her — or any other student — any fee till they reach Class IX. Else, Nisha’s petition said, she may have to drop out of...
Why rural sexual violence remains rife -Sanjoy Majumder
-Deccan Herald Dabra is a typical village in rural Haryana. It has narrow lanes with open drains and small houses built of brick and mud. Children play in the dirt while men sit around smoking. Not many outsiders visit this poor farming community. But outside one of the houses, two policemen stand on guard. Inside, a 16-year-old girl sits in one of the rooms surrounded by women. She is the reason the...
More »Jairam Ramesh wants toilets in all schools by March 2013
-The Economic Times After kicking up a row by saying that there are more temples in India than toilets, Union Cabinet minister Jairam Ramesh has now set March 2013 as the target date to ensure that all schools have proper working toilets for girls and boys. Ramesh even reached out to human resource development minister Kapil Sibal, requesting him for a dedicated operation and maintenance fund of roughly Rs 12,000 for every...
More »Qualified teachers needed
-The Pioneer A school shapes the future of a child. But according to a latest research, there is a need for 60 lakh qualified teachers in India. Sangeeta Yadav speaks with some experts to bring you a solution to this glaring problem A degree does not qualify someone to become a teacher. A teacher has to be a life long learner, researcher, pedagogy, must understand assessments and must be able to motivate...
More »Send all kids working as servants to school: SC -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India If you have a domestic help below the age of 14 years, then the authorities may soon visit your house and send her to school. The Supreme Court on Monday ordered the central and state governments to conduct a countrywide drive to identify children below 14 years engaged as domestic helps and send them to school to fulfill the mandate of the Right to Education Act for their...
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