The Madhya Pradesh government has decided to take the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) and the Lokayukta’s Special Police Establishment out of the ambit of Right to Information Act. In an order passed on Thursday by the General Administration Department (GAD), the government has declared that the provisions of the RTI Act will not apply to the EOW and the Lokayukta police. Several high-profile cases of corruption involving government officials and Politicians are...
Anti-corruption campaigns: Flow of unaccounted money from Politicians, businessmen may get disrupted by Ravi Teja Sharma
The anti-corruption campaigns that has brought Politicians and businessmen under the scanner-especially their links with the builder community being exposed in recent scams-has got the real estate sector worried. A number of industry insiders and sleuths have confirmed that the flow of unaccounted money (or black money) in the system, a big source of funding for the sector facing funds crunch, will get disrupted. An unhealthy nexus between builders and Politicians...
More »Anna Hazare's campaign has some positives too by Saubhik Chakrabartia
As per hallowed newsroom traditions, the bad news first. 1. We have a government and a ruling party that have displayed tactical, strategic, policy and moral incapacities. 2. We have a main Opposition party that, despite witnessing such government and ruling party incapacity, has displayed its own incapacity to do anything intelligent or meaningful. 3. We have a core group of agitationists led by Anna Hazare which has displayed, at best,...
More »What college students in India think on Anna Hazare's Lokpal
-Sri Lanka Guardian There is now huge debate in India on corruption issues. Anna Hazare , a social activist has launched agitation demanding introduction of separate law to create ombudsman (Lokpal), to put down corruption in the country. There is difference of views between government of India and Anna Hazare on the content of the proposed law. Nandini Voice For The Deprived, a Chennai based NGO , organized a debate competition at...
More »Push comes to shove by Ashis Nandy
Anna Hazare is not Mohandas Gandhi or Jayaprakash Narayan. No one wants to seriously hear his diagnosis of the ills of the Indian political system or his vision of a future India and, so, it is pointless to find fault with either. He is not even a Gandhian satyagrahi looking for self-purification or waiting to listen to his inner voice. He has used his fasts to unashamedly pressure a corrupt,...
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