-The Indian Express The NITI Aayog VC had dismissed Congress's promise of a minimum income of Rs 6000 to the Poorest 20 per cent households saying the party can “say and do anything to win elections”. New Delhi: RESPONDING TO the letter seeking an explanation for his criticism of the proposed Nyunatam Aay Yojana (NYAY), NITI Aayog Vice-Chairman (VC) Rajiv Kumar told the Election Commission (EC) on Tuesday that he spoke...
'Early brain function affected in Poor kids'
-The Hindu Study says children from lower income background had weaker brain activity Children born into poverty show key differences in early brain function, according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA). Researchers studied the brain function of children aged between four months and four years in rural India and found that children from lower income backgrounds, where mothers also had a low level of education, had weaker brain activity...
More »Limits of handout politics -Rama Bijapurkar and Rajesh Shukla
-The Indian Express Congress may be talking to economists and experts. But is it listening to the voter? Congress president Rahul Gandhi’s plan for a “surgical strike on poverty” is built around some key numbers: Rs 12,000, the target minimum monthly income for a household; 5 crore households (amounting to 20 per cent of all Indian households); Rs 6,000, their average monthly earning; and therefore, Rs 6,000, the monthly amount required...
More »Has NDA-II addressed India's housing challenge? -Sneha Alexander & Vishnu Padmanabhan
-Livemint.com National Democratic Alliance has revamped the long-running Indira Awaas Yojana housing scheme but India remains a long way from Housing for All The quality of housing is the most visible aspect of poverty. In India’s cities and villages, the Poorest almost always live in makeshift or dilapidated homes, which can be bad for their health and hurt their productivity. Governments have long tried to address this through different housing policies, the...
More »Rahul's minimum income plan is fatally flawed -SA Aiyar
-The Times of India blog Indira Gandhi’s ‘Garibi Hatao’ swept the polls in 1971. Rahul Gandhi hopes to follow suit with NYAY (Nyuntam Aay Yojana), promising a minimum income of Rs 72,000 per year to the 50 million Poorest families. Garibi Hatao flopped badly. So will NYAY unless totally rethought. Indian parties have a consensus on cash grants to the needy. Schemes in Telangana, Odisha and Jharkhand have been followed by Modi’s...
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