-The Hindu Chennai: Out of 1,550 persons screened for diabetes in a few rural pockets in the city's western suburbs, 78 persons (5 per cent) were detected with diabetes, 191 (12.3 per cent) with high blood pressure and 202 (13 per cent) with high cholesterol levels. Among the 78 diabetics - 36 men and 42 women - eight were aged between 20 and 30. Persons in the age group of 20 to 82...
Prices of onion, tomato continue to rule high in NCR
-PTI Tomato and onion prices arecontinuing to rule high at Rs. 60-80 per kg in retail markets of the national capital region despite improved supplies and fall in wholesale prices. Tomatoes are being sold at Rs. 60-70 per kg, while onions are available at high rate of Rs. 70-80 per kg. Prices of another kitchen staple, potato, have also risen to Rs. 40-44 per kg. Potato, onion and tomatoes are the three most...
More »Pesticide in blood of every fourth person of Punjab's cotton belt: study -Vishav Bharti
-The Hindustan Times Chandigarh: Pesticide residues are present in blood and urine of every fourth person of Punjab's cotton belt, a Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) study has found. The study has established that around 23% of the people living in rural areas of the state's cotton belt have residues of pesticide in their blood. The study titled 'Reducing pesticide toxicity in the exposed population of Punjab' and funded by...
More »Mamata's potato politics sends prices crashing-Namrata Acharya
-The Business Standard Open market price cools down as chief minister orders cold storages to empty stock by December 15 Kolkata: The first big task in hand at the new address is a success. Sitting in the plush office at the 14th floor of the newly-inaugurated secretariat, by default facing one of the infrastructure marvels created in the predecessor regime, the Vivekananda Setu, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has finally reined in the intractable...
More »Mamata guards her potatoes, Orissa on a slow burn -Subrata Nagchoudhury
-The Indian Express Kolkata: The humble potato comes a poor second to pricey onion in State matters. But that was before Mamata Banerjee wielded the knife. Over the past couple of days, the West Bengal Police, directed by the Chief Minister, has seized thousands of trucks carrying potatoes to neighbouring states such as Orissa, Jharkhand and Bihar. Mamata's provocation was the rise in the price of the Vegetable back home. However, while...
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