-The Indian Express Drought poses major setback to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in Maharashtra. Pune: Ekurke was a success story that inspired many. In 2013, this village in Osmbanabad district’s Kalamb tehsil built 350 toilets in a short span of one-and-a-half months to end the shame of having to defecate in the open. The concerted efforts by the villagers led to the transformation of their village once “infamously dirty” into one where each...
MGNREGA proves futile despite drought -Prashanth Chintala
-The Hindu Poor in rural areas seem disinclined to seek employment under the scheme; low wages and delay in payment are cited as reasons Hyderabad: Despite a severe drought in 2015-16, many of the poor in rural areas of Telangana, except in a couple of districts, seemed to be disinclined to seek employment under the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). Low wages and delay in its payment apart from various other...
More »Decisions of the people, by the people, for the people -Ashish Kothari
-The Hindu People’s objections, from Chhattisgarh to Odisha, against large development projects have brought out the real power of the Forest Rights Act of 2006. Democracy is alive and kicking in India. No, I am not referring to the Assembly elections. It is unfortunate that the term democracy has been reduced to the drama of periodic elections and the subsequent reliance of the electorate on politicians and bureaucrats. When these powerful few...
More »Poll-bound states report surge in MGNREGA job numbers -Shalini Nair and Harish Damodaran
-The Financial Express West Bengal, Assam and Tamil Nadu — states that are currently in assembly elections mode — have registered huge spurt in job numbers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Generation Act (MGNREGA). West Bengal, where the Trinamool Congress under Mamata Banerjee is fighting to retain power, saw a record 28.66 crore person-days of employment being generated under MGNREGA during the year ended March 31, 2016. This represented a...
More »Withdrawing the lifeline -Jayati Ghosh
-The Indian Express At a time of extreme rural distress, the Centre is violating the basic provisions of the employment guarantee act We are currently in the midst of an unprecedented early drought that is already affecting at least 10 states. Even if the met department’s optimistic prediction of a better-than-normal monsoon comes to pass, it will be at least two months before there is much relief in most rural areas...
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