On February 18, 2016, India’s Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. After its launch, the PMFBY was implemented by 21 states during kharif 2016, whereas in rabi 2016-17, 23 states and 2 UTs implemented the same. The Central Government launched the PMFBY in the kharif season of 2016 with the intention to help farmers cope with crop losses because of unseasonal and extreme weather....
Activists approach minister about alleged violation of RTE Act -Animesh Bisoee
-The Telegraph The percentage of vacant seats across 24 districts in Jharkhand is very high and the situation being worse in Ranchi, Jamshedpur and Seraikela-Kharsawan: Banna Jamshedpur: Crusaders of Right to Education campaign have approached state education minister Jagarnath Mahato about the alleged violation of RTE Act provisions by unaided private schools and to ensure their complete implementation in the next academic session (2022-23). “Recent surveys in Jharkhand have presented some troubling ground...
More »'Official Statistics on COVID-19 Not True': SC Directs Quick Payment of Ex-Gratia
-TheWire.in A bench comprising Justices M.R. Shah and B.V. Nagarathna said that state governments cannot say that fraudulent claims are being made by families of COVID-19 victims. New Delhi: The Supreme Court highlighted that official statistics on COVID-19 deaths, released by states, were “not true” and directed state governments to pay compensation to relatives of deceased people who have applied without rejecting the claims on technical grounds. “Official statistics are not true on...
More »Budget allocation defeats spirit of rural job scheme, says report -Achintya Ganguly
-The Telegraph NREGA Watch finds low funds, delayed wage payment defeating spirit Ranchi: Frustrating budget allocation, delayed payment of wages and contractors-middlemen-official nexus, among other factors, are defeating the spirit of the rural job scheme under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 in Jharkhand. A report card released on Wednesday by NREGA Watch, an NGO monitoring the scheme in the state, on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of commencement...
More »COVID-19: Three States Had 3.5L Excess Deaths, and the Ex Gratia May Elude Many -Tapasya, Harshitha Manwani and Mayank Aggarwal
-TheWire.in/ The Reporters' Collective * Excess deaths in Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Andhra Pradesh were over 12-times the corresponding official COVID-19 death toll until early January 2022. * Data from across the country suggests governments are undercounting COVID-19 deaths by the lakhs, possibly to avoid the charge of epidemic mismanagement. * As a result, facilitated by disparate protocols, poor record-keeping and red-tape, thousands of families haven’t received the compensation they are due. Last year, just as...
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