-The Times of India The AP High Court was pulled up by the Central Information Commission (CIC) for its failure to adhere to the RTI Act. Nine other high Courts besides AP's have been given three months time to get their act right. The CIC was reacting to a complaint filed by Hyderabad-based RTI activist C J Karira and Mani Ram Sharma of Rajasthan between December 2009 and March 2010. The complainants...
India isn’t China
-The Indian Express After a Delhi trial court summoned the executives of 21 companies, including Google and Facebook, the Delhi high court responded to their petitions by warning them to take down “objectionable” material, or risk being “blocked” altogether. In Justice Suresh Kait’s words: “You must have a stringent check. Otherwise, like China, we may pass orders banning all such websites.” The government, which was asked to indicate if it agreed...
More »Corruption killing MP farmers: State HRC probe report
-The Times of India Rampant corruption in government-run welfare schemes, and not just indebtedness, was one of the major reasons behind farmers in Madhya Pradesh killing themselves, a high-level committee appointed by the state human rights commission has reported. After probing the more than 4000 farmer suicides in the state during the last few years, the two member committee comprising renowned agriculture expert G S Kaushal and retired sugar cane commissioner...
More »RTI not to be used for judicial orders: CIC
-The Deccan Herald The Central Information Commission has held that the Right to Information (RTI) Act cannot be used to get details of orders or judgments from the Supreme Court or the High Courts. Significantly, the transparency panel clarified that since the Supreme Court as well as High Courts prescribed their own set of rules for providing judicial records, the information seekers could not use the RTI Act for that purpose. “We have...
More »‘Worst in Asia’ tag on bureaucracy
-The Telegraph Indian bureaucracy is the worst in Asia with a rating of 9.21 out of 10, according to a report by a Hong Kong-based consulting firm. Singapore was rated the best in the report by Political & Economic Risk Consultancy Ltd released today. (See chart) But many bureaucrats The Telegraph spoke to raised questions about the report. “This is a Hong Kong-based firm. China has one of the most political bureaucracies in the...
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