Madvi Madka owns 4ha of land in Chingavaram in the Sukum block in central India. The district in which the block is located has become infamous after 6 April, killing of 76 policemen by the Maoists. This is the ground zero of the war between the Indian state and the Maoists, and Madka, who owns 4ha of land—often left fallow because there wasn’t enough water for irrigation—here used to make...
UN-backed study reveals rapid biodiversity loss despite pledge to curb the decline
Global biodiversity has been declining alarmingly despite a pledge by world leaders in 2002 to help curb the loss of earthly life forms, a new United Nations-supported study shows. “Our analysis shows that Governments have failed to deliver on the commitments they made in 2002: biodiversity is still being lost as fast as ever, and we have made little headway in reducing the pressures on species, habitats and ecosystems,” said...
More »The colour of water by P Sainath
Two years of drought has started to take its toll on the people of Vidarbha, with a failed crop leaving them with no income to tide over the crisis. He's a butcher out of business. “I want to shift to a town like Panderkauda,” says Sarfaraz Qureshi in Yavatmal district. “I'm unable to sell any meat in the villages I work in.” Qureshi is a small operator who carries as...
More »Tribal Art-Cultural Heritage Of Jharkhand – In Danger Of Annihilation? by P Vijay Raghavan
Tradition is hard to follow in the current jet age. The struggle to survive combined with the hectic demands of the modern day living are fast leaving behind the traditional cultural values which have been treasured by our ancestors. The exception to an extent was the rural Jharkhand. Even amidst the electronic blitzkrieg and cacophonic sounds emerging even from mobile phones the traditional music during various local festivals is still...
More »Seed of discontent: Bill to protect farmers or multinationals?
Is India’s brand new Seed Bill capable of protecting the farmers' livelihoods? Or will it compromise their interest by allowing multinational seed companies to have a free run of the Indian seed market? The new Bill seeks to regulate the seed market and improve the quality of seeds as well as to harmonise and update the old policies in line with the current international practices for production, supply and for...
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