Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday said the government was in favour of amending laws, if need be, to make them more disabled-friendly. He gave this assurance to a delegation of differently-abled persons who met him in Parliament. “The Prime Minister was extremely sympathetic to the demands of the disabled persons and said their demands were genuine,” pointed out CPI (M) leader Brinda Karat, who led the delegation. The Prime Minister interacted...
Failure from the jaws of success by Samir Garg
The efforts to reduce child malnutrition in Chhattisgarh have hit a roadblock. The state has partially rolled back its policy of decentralized food provisioning in the Integrated Child Development Services (icds), the key programme for reducing malnutrition amongst pre-school children. The National Family Health Survey (nfhs) shows that 47 per cent of children in Chhattisgarh are underweight, putting it along with Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Meghalaya, among the top...
More »West Bengal to give free land to poor farmers to Indrani Dutta
The West Bengal government has decided to distribute land, free of cost, to poor farmers and landless agricultural labourers by buying land from willing landowners, offering them a price which may be higher than the market value. More than two lakh families are likely to be benefited by this step, which is expected to add an important dimension to the sphere of land reforms. Finance Minister Asim Kumar Dasgupta told The...
More »Is Nandkishore Mumbai's Satyendra Dubey? by Shoaib Ahmed
A week after the suicide of a BMC engineer, his family alleges he was murdered for being a whistle blower. They refuse to cremate his body unless a CBI probe is ordered. On March 27, the convicts were sentenced by a Patna court for murdering Satyendra Dubey, an engineer who had exposed corruption in the National Highway Authority of India. On the very same day, in Mumbai, a 28-year-old engineer,...
More »Inclusive exclusion by Ashok V Desai
For no fault of theirs, the poor have given the government much trouble. Unlike Blacks or Women, two other classes of people chosen often for favours, the poor do not distinguish themselves; and if they are identified by means of external criteria, their characteristics can be faked or forged. The temptation to do so becomes overwhelming when the government gives favours — rations, jobs, places in schools, medical treatment —...
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