-The Times of India Posco officials and police faced a major stumbling block at Gadakujang village, the site of the company's proposed steel plant in Jagatsinghpur district, as a large number of irate villagers prevented their entry into the area on Thursday. Many agitated villagers prevented the entry of police forces by blocking the road at Gadakujang. Last week, the Posco authorities had started land-leveling works after acquiring about 1,980 acre land...
NREGA to focus on poorest 200 districts of the country by Devika Banerji
The government plans to focus its flagship rural jobs guarantee plan on the poorest districts of the country as there is a growing recognition within the administration that the scheme's nation-wide rollout has adversely impacted its performance. Launched in 2006, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee programme promises at least 100 days of unskilled manual work in a year to each household in rural India. The scheme was initially...
More »Anna's fast will boost TV ratings, Sharmila's is for a just cause by Abheek Barman
By the time you read this, Anna Hazare would have started his fast and his well-fed handlers will be stationed in front of television cameras. Independence Day, grey and wet was a holiday with no breaking news, so after the Red Fort speech, all airtime was taken over by talking heads debating the Anna fast. The talks generate lots of heat: "Think about the future," or "Aren't we also members...
More »An uneven field by Pranab Bardhan
The rural development ministry has put out a draft of the proposed National Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement (LARR) bill for public comment. There is no doubt it is a big improvement on the 1894 colonial law that was long overdue for repeal; in particular, it is intended to be far more farmer-friendly. Yet, in several respects the Bill is patently inadequate, both in its objectives and the mechanics...
More »Posco not to export iron ore, but swap ore within state
-The Business Standard Even as Posco India is yet to submit a written response on the draft prepared for renewal of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Orissa government, the company is understood to have raised certain reservations over the omission of the iron ore swapping clause in the revised pact. While Posco has verbally agreed not to export iron ore from Orissa, the steel maker has requested the state government to...
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