-The Hindu The Centre had earlier said that reports suggest that the deaths were not due to starvation. The Supreme Court on Wednesday said it was a “very serious” matter if the Centre has really cancelled around three crore ration cards, including those of tribals and the poor, solely because they could not be biometrically linked with Aadhaar. A Bench led by Chief Justice of India Sharad A. Bobde asked the Centre to...
NREGA wages see highest jump in Meghalaya, nil in Kerala, Lakshadweep -Harikishan Sharma
-The Indian Express In all, 22 States and UTs have seen an increase of less than Rs 10, whereas 12 States and UTs have registered a hike of over Rs 10 this time. Meghalaya has registered the highest increase in MGNREGS wages — a jump of Rs 23 from Rs 203 in 2020-21 to Rs 226 — for 2021-2022, while there has been no increase in Kerala and Lakshadweep, according to the...
More »Extend maternity benefits to tackle child and maternal malnutrition -Kanmani Palanisamy
-IDROnline.org How a government scheme designed to extend maternity benefits to pregnant women in India is unequal and exclusionary. Child stunting (low height for age) has increased in 13 States, child wasting (low weight for height) has increased in more than 12 States, number of underweight children has increased in 16 States, and children who are overweight has increased in 20 States. (All four indicators refer to children between the ages of...
More »Crimes against women: UP accounts for 14% of the national total -Piyush Srivastava
-The Telegraph A look at a few such atrocities committed in the state during the first eight days of this month alone Lucknow: Hundreds of crimes against women are reported every month in Uttar Pradesh, whose chief minister Yogi Adityanath likes to point the finger at other States like Bengal. Uttar Pradesh accounted for 59,853 crimes against women — 14 per cent of the national total — in 2019, the latest National...
More »Lessons in direct income support from Odisha -Varad Pande and Shilpa Kumar
-The Indian Express Governments can learn much on how to construct a social welfare system for farmers from Odisha's KALIA scheme for DIS. The recent farmer agitation has brought the issue of farmer distress front and centre in the public consciousness. The time seems ripe to find new solutions to the structural challenges facing farmers. One promising step is the shift from non-targeted agriculture subsidies towards direct income support (DIS). A key...
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