-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The government has decided to put a blanket ban on several websites that allow users to share pornographic content. In an order dated June 13, department of telecom (DoT) has directed internet service providers (ISPs) to block 39 websites. Most of them are web forums, where internet users share images and URLs to download pornographic files. But some of these websites are also image hosts and...
The youth unemployment bill -Manish Sabharwal
-The Indian Express Why the proposed national minimum wage is the wrong answer to questions of unemployment and poverty The recent national labour conference - a trade union love fest with little real employer participation - demanded a national minimum wage. The trade union demand is a predictable positioning of narrow self-interest as national interest but the government's acceptance of their demand is unfair, delusional and economically stupid. Unfair, because it pampers a...
More »Indian drug makers face heat of US regulator's crackdown-Sushmi Dey
-The Business Standard Data also show that several other leading domestic pharma companies have recalled their products from the US Frequent drug recalls, warning letters and import alerts from the US in the recent past have turned into a major concern for the Indian pharmaceutical industry and investors. While Ranbaxy Laboratories recently pleaded guilty before the US authorities for its wrongdoings in the past, the crackdown on the drug companies seems to...
More »A man-made disaster, say environmentalists -Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu Could the Uttarakhand tragedy have been avoided, or at least minimised? There is no simple answer. Environmentalists describe the death and damage as a man-made disaster while geologists say the extent of destruction could have been far lesser if stricter regulations had been put in place and the authorities equipped to deal with the situation. Importantly, the events focus attention on the debate on the December 18, 2012 notification of the...
More »Working class of India, untie from nanny state
-The Economic Times Over the last decade the UPA government has tried to reduce poverty by legislating a regime of rights accompanied by the national rural employment guarantee (NREG) programme -spending Rs 1,70,000 crore on this strategy. This strategy would have been fine if the transformation of India from a strong currency, high growth and low inflation economy to aweak currency, low growth and high inflation economy had been accompanied by a...
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