-The Hindu In his Independence Day address, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made two important announcements, both relating to education. One affirmed the government's intention to improve the quality of education at various levels and appoint an Education Commission to go into the issues. The other outlined a plan to universalise secondary education as a follow-up to the enactment of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (RTE), 2009...
Can the hungry go on a hunger strike? by Arundhati Roy
Our country is poised at a dangerous place right now for many reasons. There are all kinds of battles for supremacy. There are real resistances, there are theatrical and false resistances, revolutions from the top, revolutions from the bottom. And sometimes all of this is interpreted by an increasingly hysterical media which doesn't allow space for reflection, for thought, that will only bombard, control the public imagination. At times like this,...
More »Civil society without borders by Sreelatha Menon
Leprosy is generally taken as almost a non-issue in the country now. But, the surprise is that there has been a spurt in leprosy cases this year. No one seems to be worrying aloud about it too much, except a strange old man from Japan who has made it his job to eradicate leprosy and empower leprosy-cured people in this country. Of course, he works on the same issue in...
More »House panel cornered Team Anna, says member
-The Hindu Members of the Parliamentary Committee on Law and Justice who had a “very frank, intense and productive” discussion with social activist Anna Hazare on the Lokpal Bill are amazed that he after, giving them an impression of being “satisfied” with the interaction, said “something else” to the media. The meeting ended with the Committee asking Team Anna to send its Jan Lokpal Bill to it for further discussion so that...
More »Atrocities against scheduled castes, tribes down in 9 years
-IANS Atrocities against scheduled castes and scheduled tribes have come down in a span of nine years (2001-2009) according to statistics of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the Rajya Sabha was informed Thursday. 'The cases reported in 2009 were 38,849, while there were 39,017 cases reported in 2001. During the nine years, the total number of cases reported were 318,661,' Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment D. Napoleon said...
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