-Outlook Onion prices, which have again gone up to Rs 70 per kg in retail markets, are expected to soften by early next month with supplies from Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka improving, Food Minister K V Thomas said today. He also said the Centre has asked producing states like Maharashtra to crack down on hoarders of onion, a politically sensitive commodity. Normally, onion prices rise during the lean period of June-August. But prices...
The gritty detail-Balakrishnan Rajagopal
-The Indian Express Manual scavenging laws will need to be supported by better sanitation policies. The recent passage of the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Bill by Parliament is a welcome, long-overdue step in the right direction. The bill replaces the outdated and rarely implemented 1993 law, which purported to abolish manual scavenging. It has been passed primarily due to a sustained campaign by thousands of former women...
More »7th AIIMS to come up in Sonia’s constituency -Durgesh Nandan Jha
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The seventh AIIMS-like institute will come up at Rae Bareilly - Congress president Sonia Gandhi's parliamentary constituency - soon. Union health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad announced this on Thursday while addressing the convocation ceremony at AIIMS, Delhi. Azad said that land for the new AIIMS project has been acquired already. "We have acquired land for building AIIMS in Rae Bareilley and tendering process for construction is...
More »Panel pulls up govt for ‘outdated’ malnutrition data
-PTI Expressing surprise on the absence of latest official data on malnutrition, a Parliamentary panel has asked the government to come up with a time-bound action plan to reduce under-nutrition and ensure real time flow of information for proper monitoring. "We are surprised to note that in this modern era of information technology, there is no recent official data on malnutrition. What is available is seven years old and outdated...National Family Health...
More »No model state -Christophe Jaffrelot
-The Indian Express In Gujarat, growth relies on indebtedness. And relegates development. The Gujarat pattern of development has often been arraigned from the left because of its social deficits. Indeed, the state's social indicators do not match its economic performance. With 23 per cent of its citizens living below the poverty line in 2010, Gujarat does better than the Indian average - 29.8 per cent - but it reduced this proportion by...
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