-The Hindu The figure for households without toilets is 47 per cent for Hindu households as against 31 per cent for Muslims and 16 per cent for Christians and Sikhs, according to NSS data. Extensive new evidence shows that building toilets alone will not eliminate open defecation in India as not everyone who has access to toilet, especially men, believe that it's important to use it. Not having a toilet remains the major...
UN reports one million children die on first day of life from mostly preventable causes
-The United Nations While child survival rates have increased dramatically since 1990, one million babies each year do not see their second day of life, many succumbing to complications during labour and delivery that could be easily prevented with simple, cost effective interventions, according to a report released today by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The 2014 Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed progress report - the second in a...
More »'Decision on GM Tech Should Be Left to Farmers'
-The New Indian Express CHENNAI: Taking out a sharp attack on the anti-GM environmental activists, Professor Dr Shanthu Shantharam of the Iowa State University's Seed Science Centre said that the decision on the usage of GM crops should be left to farmers and not to environmental activists. He was speaking at a seminar on ‘GM Technology - Myth and Reality' organised by the Industrial Economist magazine on Saturday at the CLRI. "Let...
More »World hunger falls, but 805 million still chronically undernourished
-FAO MDG target to halve proportion of world's hungry still within reach by end of 2015 Rome: About 805 million people in the world, or one in nine, suffer from hunger, according to a new UN report released today. The State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI 2014) confirmed a positive trend which has seen the number of hungry people decline globally by more than 100 million over the last decade and...
More »Health Minister proposes floating clinics -Smriti Kak Ramachandran
-The Hindu Omar Abdullah directs officials to mobilise boats in Srinagar New Delhi: Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on Sunday proposed that boats should be mobilised to send medicines to the people of the flooded areas of Srinagar. These "floating clinics" can be used to deliver medicines, first aid and other supplies to those areas where floodwaters are yet to recede and boats are the only mode of access. After returning from his...
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