-Outlook The Bombay High Court has asked a seed manufacturing company to pay Compensation of Rs 45 lakh to 164 farmers in Maharashtra for supplying defective seeds as a result of which the crop quality suffered. The high court ordered the Compensation while upholding an order of the Controller and Director of Agriculture which asked Bayer Bio Science Pvt Ltd to pay the Compensation. The company had challenged the order before the appellate...
CEOs give new land acquisition Bill the thumbs down
-The Business Standard The Bill will negatively impact new projects, with land acquisition cost going up by as much as 150%, say industry captains After the initial euphoria, leaders of India Inc are realising that the proposed Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill will not make their lives easier. Instead, it will negatively impact new projects, with land acquisition cost going up by as much as 150 per cent, making large projects...
More »How We Saved Agriculture, Fed the World and Ended Rural Poverty: Looking Back from 2050 -Duncan Green
-Oxfam Blog As Oxfam’s two week online debate on the future of agriculture gets under way, John Ambler of Oxfam America imagines how it could all turn out right in the end. It is now 2050. Globally, we are 9 billion strong. Only 20% of us are directly involved in agriculture, and poor country economies have diversified. Yet we all have enough food. Technological innovation has played its part, but increased production...
More »Land Acquisition Bill may be re-introduced
-The Hindu The Land Acquisition Bill, which strengthens landowners’ rights during acquisition for development, has finally received the nod of the Union Cabinet, and is likely to be introduced in Parliament during the final week of the winter session. The final version of the bill was approved by the Cabinet on Thursday, more than a year after Parliament sent the earlier avatar to a Standing Committee. In the months since, the bill...
More »Protect RTI activists, Karnataka HC tells government
-DNA The high court on Wednesday directed the state government to quickly formulate rules and regulations to ensure the safety of RTI activists. RTI activist Lingaraju, 40, was killed by three unidentified people in front of his house in Chamarajpet. The high court had taken a suo motu public interest litigation based on newspaper reports. A memo was filed by the state government contending that the it had no objections to constitute...
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