Crime branch officials today brought Sailesh Pandya, accused of killing RTI activist Amit Jethwa, to the city from Mumbai. The 36-year-old shooter, who had allegedly shot dead Jethwa in Admedabad in July, was arrested in Mumbai on Tuesday last for possessing illegal firearms. Jethwa was killed a few days after he filed a public interest litigation (PIL) against illegal mining in the protected Gir sanctuary in Junagadh district. So far, police have arrested...
Crimes against women deserve the death penalty: Supreme Court by J Venkatesan
Observing that crimes against women should be firmly dealt with and no leniency must be shown to the offender, the Supreme Court on Friday issued notice to a life convict asking him to show cause why the sentence should not be enhanced into one of death penalty for killing his wife. A Bench of Justices Markandey Katju and Gyan Sudha Misra passed this interim order on a special leave petition filed...
More »India Marxists get life sentences for Murder of farmers
A court in India has given life sentences to 44 Marxist supporters for killing 11 landless farmers supporting a rival party 10 years ago. The farmers were supporters of the state of West Bengal's opposition Trinamul Congress party. The 44 supporters of the Communist Party of India - Marxist (CPI-M) were convicted of Murder and rioting. The convicted include CPI-M senior leaders Mohan Sheikh and Gopal Majhi and two senior rural body members. A...
More »Bihar polls: 139 candidates with criminal record in Phase 5
There are 139 candidates who have criminal charges pending against them in the 35 assembly constituencies going to poll in the fifth phase on November 9 in Bihar. This fact was found out after examining 441 affidavits of the candidates, Kumar Anjesh, state coordinator of an NGO 'National Watch,' told reporters in Patna. Of 139 such aspirants, 75 were facing serious criminal charges like Murder and attempt to Murder, he said. Stating that...
More »Bihar polls: 139 candidates with criminal records in fifth phase
As many as 139 candidates figuring in the fifth phase of Bihar assembly elections have criminal charges pending against them. 35 assembly constituencies will go to poll in the fifth phase on November nine. This was found after examining 441 affidavits of the candidates, Kumar Anjesh, state coordinator of NGO 'National Watch,' told reporters here. Of 139 contestants, 75 were facing serious criminal charges like Murder and attempt to Murder, he said. Claiming that...
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