-The Hindu Police arrested 25 members of Students Federation of India (SFI) here on Tuesday when they tried to picket the office of the Chief Education Officer demanding implementation of 25 per cent reservation of seats for poor students in educational institutions, as assured by the Government under the Right to Education Act. They tried to enter the CEO's office when the police stopped them and arrested them. Arularasan, district secretary of...
NRHM financial wrongdoings reflect systemic irregularities-Vidya Krishnan
-Live Mint It turns out that some state officials were using NRHM to enrich themselves The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched seven years ago with the goal of improving healthcare delivery to people in villages, especially the poor, through a generous infusion of federal funds. Local authorities were given a relatively free hand in deciding how to spend the money, with the Centre promising funds with no strings attached for...
More »Put answer key on website in future: Har SIC to school board
-PTI The Haryana State Information Commission has directed the state's school board to make available on its website the "answer key" to questions for exams taken by it in future. Disposing of an RTI appeal of a Bahadurgarh resident seeking the answer key to questions of the Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test in which he appeared in November 2011, State Information Commissioner Urvashi Gulati said provision of the answer key would avoid unnecessary...
More »What the doctor ordered
-The Business Standard Draft health insurance guidelines must not remain on paper The insurance regulator’s draft guidelines on health insurance were necessary, given the segment has been plagued with high loss ratios, low penetration and persistent customer complaints. The draft, which proposes changes in every facet – product structure, renewability and claims settlement – is a thoroughly pro-customer document and seeks to plug the various loopholes that have been used to make...
More »Arguments disrupt MNREGA audit meet
-The Hindu The social audit meeting of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA), held at Shettihalli in Hassan taluk on Friday, was marked by allegations of corruption against officers and heated exchange of words between residents and elected representatives. A few residents, allegedly in an inebriated state, constantly disrupted the meeting, forcing officials to take repeated breaks at the meeting. The meeting was organised as part of a social audit...
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