-The Hindu Last week, a Delhi-based Right To Information (RTI) activist, Lokesh Batra, finally got responses to his request for information on the public funds spent on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s official foreign trips between June 2014 and June 2015. Mr. Batra was forced to write separately to every Embassy and High Commission in each of the countries the Mr. Modi visited, and yet some denied him the information on the...
Delhi's Upscale Hospitals Are Turning Away The Poor In Whose Name They Got Land, Subsidies -Vidya Krishnan
-Huffington Post The heartbreaking story of the parents who jumped to their death in Delhi following the death of their 7-year-old son who succumbed to dengue after being turned away from two major city hospitals has shaken the public health establishment. Union health minister JP Nadda has ordered an enquiry into the incident. Just last month, a man was made to wait for his infant son's dead body because he couldn't pay...
More »New Health Policy and Chronic Disease: Analysis of Data and Evidence -Subrata Mukherjee, Anoshua Chaudhuri, and Anamitra Barik
-Economic and Political Weekly The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has made public the National Health Policy 2015 Draft for discussion. The draft is more exhaustive and better organised in its coverage compared to the National Health Policy of 2002. It touches upon contemporary issues of concern, including the rapid emergence of chronic non-communicable diseases. From the latest available evidence, issues crucial to tackling chronic illness in India are discussed. Subrata...
More »After 10 years of rural health mission, doctor shortfall up -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India Samarin Bai, a 50-year-old Baiga tribal woman from Mahamai village lives in the dense Achanakmar forests of Bilaspur district, Chhattisgarh. A few days back, she decided to see a doctor for the big lump that had developed at the base of her neck and various other problems. Although there is a government sub-centre 6kmsix kilometers away, she knew that there was only one auxiliary nurse cum midwife...
More »India missed 2015 child mortality target: Lancet report -Anuradha Mascarenhas
-The Indian Express India has the highest number of child deaths in the world, with an estimated 1.2 million deaths in 2015 — 20 per cent of the 5.9 million global deaths. Chennai: Has India fallen short of the under-five child mortality rate target of 42 per 1,000 live births by 2015? While new data from medical journal The Lancet said it had, officials at the Union Health and Family Welfare...
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