-TheNewsMinute.com One highly criticised Tamil Nadu government scheme was giving colour TV sets to households. While it was derided as a ‘freebie’, research has proved otherwise, write Dharanidharan Sivagnanaselvam and Bethanavel Kuppusamy. In a stratified society such as India trickle down economics do not work. Even in a society such as the US, which has a much lower stratification compared to India, trickle down economics has not worked well. Historically, India has...
Nandini Oza, an activist of the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), interviewed by Swapna Majumdar (The Hindu)
-The Hindu The archivist and activist on curating the oral history of the Narmada Bachao Andolan and its importance as a movement of the marginalised As an activist of the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), Nandini Oza lived and worked among the people affected by the Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) for over a decade. Having pARTicipated in the movement and documented its oral history through the voices of its leaders, she felt it...
More »Parliament is abdicating its oversight role -MR Madhavan
-The Hindu The monsoon session which has ended is another example of Parliament being quite ineffective in all its functions The monsoon session of Parliament which ended on Wednesday was a disappointment in several ways. This was the fourth straight session that ended ahead of the original schedule — other than the cancelled winter 2020 session. This meant that many important issues had not been discussed such as the COVID-19 response and...
More »Will Afghanistan’s centuries-old ‘Karez’ system of irrigation survive the Taliban -Rajat Ghai
-Down to EARTh The Taliban are set to overtake Kabul; but an expert believes they will spare the age-old Karez system of underground aqueducts in the country given its importance The resurgent Taliban is on the victory march to Kabul. It has already taken provincial capitals as well as Afghanistan’s third-largest city of Herat. As the Taliban appear at the gates of Kabul again after two decades, fears have grown about what...
More »Retail inflation eased to 5.6% in July
-The Hindu Industrial output growth halves from 28.6% in May to 13.6% in June Retail inflation cooled slightly to 5.6% in July, slipping below the central bank’s upper tolerance threshold of 6% for the first time in three months, even as industrial output growth halved from 28.6% in May to 13.6% in June, as base effects from the national lockdown of 2020 begin to fade. Food prices at the consumer level played a...
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