-The Hindu The Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) launched in 2011 to enumerate castes along with socio-economic data, is progressing, and is likely to be completed soon. A stand-alone caste headcount may not normally be desirable in a country grappling with the adverse consequences of social hierarchy and caste-based divisions. However, in conjunction with socio-economic data, a caste census may yield quantifiable data that could be used to evaluate measures such...
Faster clearance, tougher penalty is new thrust in environment law -Amitabh Sinha
-The Indian Express Proposing a complete overhaul of the existing environmental governance framework, a government-appointed expert committee has recommended measures that would make it easier to set up industrial or infrastructure projects, but would also ensure that those who flout pollution norms or violate green laws are penalised heavily. Among the measures suggested by the four-member committee headed by former Cabinet Secretary T S R Subramanian are: creation of new institutions...
More »From January 2015, life-saving drugs to show govt-fixed rates in bold red -Sushmi Dey
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: All life saving drugs from January 2015 will come with a bold red strip on their packs highlighting price as fixed by the government and also specify if they are under price control. Signaling a New Year gift for consumers, the government is set to make it mandatory for regulated drugs to print on their packs 'DPCO Scheduled Drug' in black ink on a bold...
More »Creating 'Good Jobs': Assessing the Labour Market Regulation Debate -Radhika Kapoor
-Economic and Political Weekly The current regime seeks to reform labour laws with the understanding that these reforms will improve industrial growth and expand the possibilities of enterprise. However, there is already ample evidence from within India that this obsession with reforming labour law, particularly in the way the government has done it till now, will not take us any closer in creating more jobs or a healthy industrial sector. These...
More »In the mood for data sharing -Pankaj KP Shreyaskar
-The Hindu Business Line The Open Government Data initiative is gaining ground, but it needs to be in step with the Central Information Commission Open government data (OGD) is fashionable. Governments and public institutions in Europe and other parts of the globe are making increasing numbers of datasets available to the public by means of national, regional, local or thematic portals, in keeping with their political commitments towards open government and open...
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