-The Hindu Maharashtra on Thursday launched an online portal for Right to Information (RTI) applications. The web portal (www.rtionline.maharashtra.gov.in) can be used by citizens of the State to file online applications as well as first appeals under the RTI. The portal, available in both English and Marathi, informs applicants about the status/progress of their pleas. The fee for the application can be paid via internet banking or debit/credit cards. On submission of...
Curbs on TV channels soon
-PTI ‘It affects secrecy of the operation and puts forces, people in danger' The Union government is likely to ban live coverage of anti-terror operations by television channels soon. Citing the difficulties caused by such coverage during the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, the Home Ministry has asked the Information and Broadcasting Ministry to amend the Programme Code under the Cable Television Network Rules to ban live telecast of terror-related operations. In its letter...
More »Centre blocks 32 websites for security reasons, restores some later -S Ronendra Singh
-The Hindu Business Line Netizens up in arms on social media, seek better law instead The Centre on Wednesday asked Internet Service Providers (ISP) to block 32 websites citing national security concerns, especially from terror group ISIS. The move created a flutter on social networking sites, as most of the Web sites, such as archive.org, vimeo.com, github.com, pastebin.com, codepad.org and paste2.org, were being used by global communities like application developers for free movies...
More »Kolhapur jaggery turns bitter on shortage of labour, sugarcane -Rahul Wadke
-The Hindu Business Line Mumbai: Navi Mumbai-based 65-year-old homemaker Swati Bhatt has been unhappy with the way she has been cooking puran poli (sweet flat bread) over the last one year. The reason: Kolhapuri jaggery, an essential ingredient in the dish, is in short-supply in the market. Jaggery from other States, or for that matter palm jaggery, does not lend the original taste to the Maharashtrian delicacy. This variety of jaggery is made...
More »India to reach replacement levels of fertility by 2020 -Rukmini S
-The Hindu Total fertility rate in 8 States below 2 children per woman Fertility is falling faster than expected in India, and the country is on track to reach replacement levels of fertility as soon as 2020, new official data shows. The 2013 data for the Sample Registration Survey (SRS), conducted by the Registrar General of India, the country's official source of birth and death data, was released on Monday. The SRS shows that...
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