The West Bengal Government has constituted a medical board to decide on the beneficiaries of compensation in the firing in Netai village in Lalgarh on January 7. While Rs. 2 lakh would be paid to those killed in the firing on a crowd of villagers, allegedly from the house of a CPI(M) leader, Rs 1.5 lakh would be paid to those critically injured and Rs 50,000 to persons with less grave...
Inflation row heats up across India
Reeling under the spiraling prices of essential commodities, locals and activists from regional factions staged agitations in several parts of the country to protest the perceived inability of the central government in tackling inflation. The simmering row over inflation boiled over in Agra as activists of regional Samajwadi Chhatra Sabha (SCS) vented their ire through a unique demonstration. Shouting slogans, the student activists traversed the streets of Agra on bullock and horse...
More »Peeling The Policy Cipher by Lola Nayar
What’s Going Wrong? * Market intelligence remains a weak link; farm policies rarely reflect correct scenario * Extensive damage to crop in Maharashtra not factored in promoting onion, tomato exports * Middlemen make capital while farmers realise 10-15% margin, not enough to recoup losses * Government market intervention capacity limited to foodgrains and pulses **** India’s worst-kept secret was finally revealed when the government threw up its hands in despair in the...
More »Potato Utopia in Left Bengal by Abhijeet Chatterjee
Marie Antoinette may or may not have deadpanned “let them eat cake” but the Bengal government could have tried saying “let them eat potato” in these times of price rise. But out went that opportunity — along with 7,000 bags or 4,200 tonnes of potatoes at Panagarh in Burdwan. In terms of cash, potato stocks valued at Rs 50 lakh rotted on the open ground today because of a dispute between a...
More »Bitter harvest by Lyla Bavadam
A small farmer in Maharashtra, whose high-yielding rice variety is popular in five States, is denied the benefits of his research. TWENTY-SEVEN years ago, Dadaji Khobragade of Nanded Fakir village in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra noticed yellow seeds in three spikes of a paddy stalk in his field. Intrigued by the freak harvest, he preserved the grains. He subsequently planted them in a six-foot square plot, which he covered with thorny...
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