-The Hindu In Uttarakhand, women take the lead role in reviving and maintaining civil forests under Van Panchayats even in the face of several obstacles Munni Adhikari, a resident of Dhaura Gram Sabha in Lamgara block of Uttarakhand's Almora district, lives in an idyllic setting: green slopes covered with tall pine and oak trees, wild flowers in full bloom, neat little terrace farms... While this natural splendour can instantly captivate any...
Women in the forefront of fighting climate change through the ‘gola’ -Ajitha Menon
-Women's Feature Service The ‘gola' or grain basket, built on elevated ground in Goyadham village in Sunderban's South 24 Parganas district, West Bengal, is central to the food security of several households here. As Sofia Bibi, 45, says, "The grain is protected from the recurrent flooding and storms and we are ensured of a regular supply when there is no agricultural work during the months of September to November and March to...
More »Doctors must be dealt with strictly for medical negligence: Supreme Court
-PTI NEW DELHI: Doctors and medical establishments must be dealt with strictly for their negligence in giving treatment to patients, the Supreme Court on Thursday held and asked the government to enact laws for effective functioning of the private hospitals and nursing homes. "The doctors, hospitals, the nursing homes and other connected establishments are to be dealt with strictly if they are found to be negligent with the patients who come to...
More »Drug-resistant TB challenge for India -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph New Delhi: India has the world's highest estimated burden of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis patients and needs to substantially accelerate its capacity for diagnosis and treatment of these patients, a World Health Organisation report has indicated. The WHO's global tuberculosis report for 2013, released today, estimates that India accounts for 64,000 cases of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) among notified patients with pulmonary (lung) tuberculosis. China and Russia follow with 59,000 and 46,000 cases. The...
More »More lethal greenhouse gas -Arunabha Ghosh
-The Times of India India must discuss phasing down hydrofluorocarbons which endanger the planet. In September, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Barack Obama agreed to discuss how hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are hundreds to thousands of times more potent global warming compounds than carbon dioxide, could be phased down. They agreed, bilaterally and at the G20 summit, to use the expertise and institutions of the Montreal Protocol and report emissions under...
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