-PTI In a significant ruling, the Delhi High Court has held that marks obtained by a student in Central Board of Secondary Education Board exams cannot be revealed under the transparency law as it would “defeat” the purpose of the new grading system. The court set aside the verdict of a single-judge Bench and the Central Information Commission which had asked the CBSE to reveal marks obtained by a girl in her...
RTE seat quota sparks caste vs income debate-Dharmendra Jore
The Right to Education Act mandates that 25% seats in private schools be reserved for students from the weaker section of society. Within this 25% quota, the state will have another quota to allot seats as per the existing reservation module. Each state has a right to notify such categories and conditions. President of the Satyashodhak OBC Parishad, Hanumant Upre accused the government of being anti-OBC. "The very thought of reservations in...
More »Parliament's say extends to the classroom-Prabhat Patnaik
It was entirely correct for the Lok Sabha to have intervened in the textbook row as it represents the people, and their right to an egalitarian society, better than any group of “experts” Too many red herrings have entered into the debate over the removal of the cartoon from the class XI Political Science textbook of the NCERT. Let us, to start with, get these out of the way. First, the...
More »Child lock-Jonathan Long
Computers in primary school classrooms are not inherently a good thing I read with interest the report on the Central Advisory Board of Education on the use of technology in education, and broadly agree with their conclusion that computers should not enter the classroom until upper primary school level. The modern fascination with new technology makes me think of what Henry David Thoreau said: “Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys,...
More »Right to principals-Nitin Desai
Empower school principals to truly deliver education to India The Right to Education (RTE) law, and the subsequent Supreme Court judgment, has focused attention on the future of school education in India. The judgment on the provision that requires private schools to offer 25 per cent of their seats to economically weaker sections opens new opportunities for the poor, and that is welcome. But in our fiercely hierarchical society, class-conscious...
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