Fresh allegations were made against the Bhushans on Wednesday after they declared their Assets. Media reports are now alleging that Bhushans were allotted land by the Mayawati government. The allegations come even while Shanti Bhushan's son Jayant Bhushan was fighting a case against the UP govt and a case of conflict of interest is being made, according to Times Now. According to reports, the Bhushans didn't declare that a farmhouse given to...
Bhushans get two prime plots from Mayawati govt for a song by Ritu Sarin
The political class may be evil and corrupt but that’s whom Shanti Bhushan and his son Jayant Bhushan turn to when they want a farmhouse each — for a song. In his declaration of Assets last week, Shanti Bhushan, also co-chairman of the drafting committee of the Lokpal Bill, mentioned a 10,000 sq m farmland plot in Noida. What he did not mention was the discretionary manner in which the Mayawati government,...
More »RTI activist denied details of ex-CJI's income
The Income Tax appellate authority here has decided not to provide most of the income details of the former Chief Justice of India, K.G. Balakrishnan, sought by a right to information (RTI) activist. This follows objections raised by Justice Balakrishnan. The appellate authority, however, agreed to provide the assessment order on Justice Balakrishnan's income for 2008-09. The copy of the orders should be provided to RTI activist T. Balachandran after masking...
More »Jan Lokpal: an alternative view by KN Panikkar
Given the scale of corruption in India, the constitution of a Jan Lokpal will be a welcome initiative. But the proposed Lokpal has the makings of a super-monster. After 42 years of hesitation and uncertainty, an institutional mechanism to deal with the all-pervasive incidence of corruption in India is in sight. What apparently moved the state machinery was the agitation spearheaded by Anna Hazare, which drew spontaneous support primarily in the...
More »I won't disclose my Assets: KG Balakrishnan by Dakshina Muraleedharan
Former Chief Justic of India KG Balakrishnan does a U-turn on disclosing his Assets. Justic Balakrishnan has informed the Inecome Tax Department that he does not want to disclose his Assets because it is not related to public welfare in any way. Under intense pressure, former CJI and the current NHRC chief had early this month agreed to publicise details of his Assets. The ex-CJI has faced allegations that he has wealth that...
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