RJD supremo Lalu Prasad todayflayed police lathicharge against the farmers during protestagainst inadequate land acquisition at Nabi Nagar in Bihar''sAurangabad district two weeks ago and equated the incidentwith ''Nandigram'' violence in West Bengal four years ago. Claiming one person was killed in police action atNabinagar, Prasad said "the Bihar government should put inplace a proper land acquisition policy to prevent places instate from becoming Nandigram". Official sources, however, had confirmed that 25farmers...
Wholesale onion prices crash at Nashik by Shoaib Ahmed
Onion prices have crashed at Lasalgaon, Nashik’s wholesale market due to sudden increase in the supply. Wholesale onion prices have plummetted to Rs 13 a kg in Lasalgaon. On Saturday morning average quality onion price at Lasalgaon was Rs 2600 per quintal (Rs 26 per kg). On Monday, it came down to Rs 1300 per quintal. The sudden downturn in onion prices seems to have been triggered by the fact that the...
More »One dies as UP police, farmers clash
One farmer was killed and several others, including some policemen, were injured on Friday when protesting farmers clashed with the police in Allahabad district. The farmers were holding a protest demanding enhanced compensation for their land which has been acquired by the government for building a 1320 MW power plant at Karchana. Enraged over the death, hundreds of farmers indulged in stone throwing and set ablaze several police vehicles and squatted on...
More »Mystery over farmer's death
While the farmers claim that one protesting farmer allegedly died due to the brutal lathicharge by police, the police denies by saying that he died of cardiac arrest. The farmer was identified as Gulab of Dewari village. DIG/SSP, Allahabad, Ramkumar said: "Gulab died of cardiac arrest when his family was on their way to nursing home but were trapped in the agitation. On reaching the nursing home, doctors declared him...
More »New age of intervention in food prices by Rowena Mason
In India, people are upset about onions. Expensive cooking oil is causing hoarding in China, a practice banned by the government. Meanwhile, flour and bread are the main source of riots in Algeria and now Jordan. Worries over food prices are gathering pace and triggering alarm among politicians across the world. For there is nothing more likely to bring down a government than ignoring starving citizens, as Marie Antoinette found to...
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