-The Hindu The West Bengal Government will introduce a Bill in the upcoming Budget Session of the State Assembly to ensure that public services are delivered to people on time, said Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee here on Wednesday. Fines will be imposed on government servants if it is found that services are not delivered on time, she told journalists after a Cabinet meeting. The legislation, Paschim Banga Lok Parisheba Adhikar Bill, 2013 (West...
Taskforce appointed to amend Universal Pension norms
-The Business Standard Team set up after movement began under Aruna roy, activist Baba Adhav 2 years ago demanding universal pension as a right for all A task force set up by the Government to look into reforms in pension for the unorganised sector has recommended universal pension for those below the poverty line, and a target of covering them in the next five years. It also recommended a slight increase in pensions...
More »In Dhule, the struggle for identity manifests as violence
-The Hindu The influx of 2.5 lakh Muslims after the 2008 constituency delimitationled to insecurity among Hindus in Dhule, claims social activist Almost two months since six people were killed after communal violence in the north Maharashtra district of Dhule, the aggressive-yet-vulnerable countenance of the town has resurfaced. Citizens, both Hindu and Muslim, reveal that behind the volatility is the small town’s neglected struggle for an identity. A small fight at a local...
More »Broadband access can help bridge educational divides, empower students–UN report
-The United Nations Broadband connectivity has the potential to transform education by giving teachers and students access to learning resources and technologies that will allow them to improve their skills in the context of a globalized economy, according to a United Nations report released today. The report, Technology, Broadband and Education: Advancing the Education for All Agenda, argues that access to high-speed technologies over fixed and mobile platforms can help students acquire...
More »Right to Homestead Bill: Task force to finalise draft-Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu Draft Bill to be discussed on Tuesday After legislating the Right to Information and Education — and making a stab at the Right to Work and Food through the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act and the Food Security Act respectively — the government’s next step seems to be aimed at legally upholding the right to a home of your own. On Tuesday, a task force set up by the...
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