Delhi government’s promise that no student will be turned away from government schools in the city was belied by testimonies given by hundreds of parents at the People’s review of Right to Education (RTE) implementation on Wednesday. The review, organised by the Delhi Right to Education Forum, brought together aggrieved parents, education experts and social workers to address the issue of the non-implementation of RTE, despite the act being passed 15...
Slavery or Sumangali? Exploitation of Dalit Girls Exposed
Women’s stepping out of their homes to work is often seen as a symbol of empowerment. But what if girls and young women are first lured to work in factories on the false promise of decent wage, comfortable accommodation and payment of a lump sum amount at the end of 3 years contract, and then made to toil for pittance and their labour rights are violated? A report titled: Captured...
More »How to overcome Lokpal drafting committee impasse by Praful Bidwai
The roller-coaster ride of the government-civil society joint drafting committee on the Lokpal (ombudsman) Bill has ended in a draw, but left both sides badly injured. Whether the tie will be broken when they present their separate recommendations to a proposed all-party committee in July remains an open question. Yet, this is a good time to draw up a balance-sheet of the government's first-ever effort to take on board civil...
More »PDS: Signs of revival by Reetika Khera
Obituaries for the PDS system are a bit premature, based as they are on outdated data and presumptions. Despite flaws like pilfering and leakages, the system shows signs of improvement in certain states. States have demonstrated the political will to invest in the PDS, by putting in state resources to make it work. Cash transfers (CTs) are increasingly advocated as an alternative to the Public Distribution System (PDS). The proponents of...
More »World Bank dictates India’s food policy by Tarun Nangia
The World Bank and a pliant UPA Government plan to do away with India's public distribution system and shut down four lakh ration shops. The excuse-the Public Distribution System (PDS) spends Rs 45,000 crore every year to supply BPL families wheat, rice, kerosene and sugar of which 60 per cent of grain is looted by the food mafia. The 412page 'World Bank Report: Social Protection for Changing India', released on...
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