The Supreme Court Bench headed by Chief Justice K. G. Balakrishnan set aside the verdict of Jharkhand High Court and upheld the constitutional validity of the amendment in the law that mandates reservations of the chairperson’s post of Panchayats at all levels for the Scheduled Tribe in all the scheduled areas. The bench struck down Section 4(G) of the Panchayat (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act (PESA), 1996 and held that other...
Patna unplugged by NK Singh
Is Bihar on steroids, boosted by an excessive stimulus of dramatically higher public outlays than ever in the past? Like all stimulus, does it also bear the danger of slumping back when it is withdrawn? Is the widely acclaimed growth turnaround a durable and sustainable one? These are among the many issues, which are currently being debated. But first the facts. Bihar is the best turnaround story that the country has seen...
More »Census & data
The process for finalising the parameters for the 2011 Census is on, and a key question is yet to be answered. In response to a question in Parliament, Union Minister of State for Home Ajay Maken said that the census exercise would be conducted between February 9 and 28, 2011. But there was no word on whether information on caste would be elicited. India’s decennial census is the largest data...
More »Disabled continue to struggle for access by Laiqh A Khan
Government job reservation observed more in the breach Even as yet another International Day of Persons with Disabilities is being observed on Thursdaythe differently abled continue their struggle for access and rights. The State Government itself has admitted that the provisions of Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act 1995, which inter alia seeks to provide 3 per cent reservation in jobs and education, have been...
More »Juridical Contours of the Right to Education by Vijay Kumar
The recently enacted Right to Education Act, 2009 has extensively been debated in the media, civil society and academic palaver. Mainstream also intervened in the debate, and to the best of my recollection, published two pieces: first, a rather elaborate one by Muchkund Dubey on September 19, 2009, and thereafter by N.A. Karim on October 3, 2009. While entirely endorsing the views expressed in these two articles and sharing the...
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