-PTI/ The Hindu Wholesale price index (WPI) based inflation softened to 2.26% in February on the back of cheaper food items and vegetables, the government data showed on Monday. In January, the WPI inflation stood at 3.1% and in the year-ago same period it was at 2.93%, as per the data from the commerce and industry ministry. Please click here to read more. ...
Problematic revisions: We need fewer, quicker economic growth estimates -AK Bhattacharya
-Business Standard The CSO releases as many as 6 estimates of India's annual economic output growth; believe it or not, these estimates for the same year's economic output are released over a period of three years! When the Central Statistics Office (CSO) declared India’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth figure for 2016-17 on January 6, 2017, economic policy makers in the Narendra Modi government were disappointed. The GDP growth figure was only...
More »Bt cotton only increased cost of cultivation: Study -TV Jayan
-The Hindu Business Line ‘Higher output due to other factors’ Much of the increase in cotton yields in India cannot be attributed to the adoption of transgenic cotton, as claimed earlier, but to other factors such as increase in area of cultivation, fertiliser use, better irrigation and new class of insecticides in last 15 years, according to a new study. The study appeared in the journal Nature Plants last week. It was the...
More »Response to COVID-19 shows India has the political will to control infectious diseases -Vikram Patel
-The Indian Express All comparisons between COVID-19 and TB end with the superficial observation that they are both deadly respiratory tract infections. The world has been spooked by COVID-19, the novel flu-like virus which emerged from the slaughter-houses of China and is now sweeping across the planet, propelled by the very engine of the global Economy that it now threatens to pull asunder. Thanks to the waves of news engulfing us, including...
More »Bleak prospects -Mahesh Vyas
-Business Standard/ Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) It is logical to believe that employment conditions in India have deteriorated quite substantially during 2019-20. Economic growth has slowed down and investments show no sign of picking up. Outlook for the Economy in 2020-21, and therefore also for employment, is also getting increasingly difficult by the day. With capacity utilisation remaining very low at around 70 per cent, the prospects of an...
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