A Delhi court has asked the CBI and the Delhi police to file a detailed report on the action taken by them so far on the complaints about alleged corruption in the Commonmwealth Games-related casess. Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Amit Bansal, on a petition filed by RTI activist Arvind Kejriwal, Swami Agnivesh, former IPS officer Kiran Bedi, Yoga guru Baba Ramdev and others, has directed the CBI''s Anti-Corruption Branch and the...
Powerless in Urjanchal by Samar Halarnkar
Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan wants it to be the new Singapore. State officials call it Urjanchal, land of energy. For sociologist Sakarama Somayaji, the enduring image from India’s emerging energy wonderland in Singrauli is the women who sell baskets of stones on the roadside. Individually or in groups, the women break stones, and sell them to passing trucks for R80-R90 a basket, a day’s labour. The women are...
More »Bihar as model? UID rollout within 3 years by Mahendra Kumar Singh
Bihar will roll out unique identification numbers for "aam aadmi" -- beneficiaries of social sector schemes -- within 35-36 months. The move will help in curbing pilferage and corruption. The decision was taken at a meeting of Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia with Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar. The Commission has finalised Rs 24,000 crore plan size for the state for next fiscal. Kumar cited that the plan size was...
More »India: Environment under attack by Praful Bidwai
India’s rulers have found a new vocation – maligning environmentalists and questioning the very idea of regulating industry for pollution. Thus, faced with criticism of Lavasa, an artificial gated city of the super-rich near Pune, in which his family has invested crores, Agriculture Minister, Sharad Pawar, lashed out at well-known activist Medha Patkar and other “vested interests” for obstructing this “pioneering” project. Lavasa’s promoters built the project without seeking environmental clearance...
More »NGOs hold pre-Budget meeting with Pranab by Aarti Dhar
At present, the government spending on education is about 3.4 percent of GDP ‘It is imperative that the government increase outlays in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan' A delegation of the People's Budget Initiative met Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee here on Saturday to demand enhanced resources for the social sector which was crucial for the development of human resource and the nation. Formed in 2006, People's Budget Initiative is a coalition comprising representatives from people's...
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