-PTI The CBI on Saturday arrested a former official of a Uttar Pradesh government-owned public sector unit for his alleged involvement in the Rs 10,000 crore National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam. Sources said the accused, GK Batra, former MD of Shreeton India, was arrested following a day-long intensive interrogation by agency sleuths. The CBI has so far arrested five persons including former UP Small Industries Corporation md Abhay Kumar Bajpai, former...
A remote stint would sensitise law grads by Colin Gonsalves
Salman Khurshid’s proposal to send law school graduates to remote districts for a year should also benefit those who need free legal aid THE UNION law ministry’s proposal to send students to practice for a year in far-flung districts of the country after finishing studies is an excellent idea — and long overdue. But it can be a progressive move only if it is thought through properly. Ways have to be...
More »Job scheme wages through Aadhaar launched in Jharkhand
-The Hindu To overcome the delay in payment of wages to the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) workers in Jharkhand, allegedly owing to administrative apathy, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has piloted a project in Jharkhand. Under the project, online authentication and Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) in respect of MGNREGS was conducted in three blocks of three districts. First time in India For the first time in India,...
More »Kushwaha co-accused held, he may be next
-The Times of India After registering five FIRs in National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam, the Central Bureau of Investigation is now moving ahead and has arrested Former Uttar Pradesh bureaucrat P K Jain on Thursday. In another development, sources said that they are planning to book P K Jain and other accused persons in disproportionate assets case. Jain has been arrested in the case in which sacked BSP leader Babu Singh...
More »Dalit woman sarpanch emerges as poster girl for gender issues
-The Hindu Has addressed issues of sex selection, infant-maternal mortality, child health A Dalit woman sarpanch elected to an unreserved seat in Bikaner district of Rajasthan has successfully brought gender issues to the mainstream development discourse with the help of a Jaipur-based advocacy group. She has addressed the crucial subjects of sex selection, infant and maternal mortality and reproductive and child health by focusing on gender fostering. Tara Devi, elected as Sarpanch of...
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