-The Hindu Initially two lakh Delhi families to be paid Rs. 600 per month United Progressive Alliance chairperson Sonia Gandhi has been urged by Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit to inaugurate the Dilli Annashree Yojana food security scheme under which initially about two lakh families would be paid a sum of Rs. 600 per month from December 15. The Delhi Government, which had set aside Rs. 150 crore for this scheme in its...
Rich Economy, Poor Management -Pranab Bardhan
-Outlook Don’t blame globalization for inequality – but rather policies hijacked by a few Economic globalization in the sense of expansion of foreign trade and investment is, of course, somewhat anaemic, reflecting the impact of global recession, although still vigorous in the sense of continuous international transmission of technology, information, ideas and social media. But in the world of politics and policymaking a cold wind is blowing, dimming earlier enthusiasm for global...
More »Beyond the hot air-Arvind Jasrotia
-The Indian Express The Doha climate talks must extract tangible action plans from all countries Delegates from more than 190 countries have met at Doha for the 18th session of the Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 8th session of COP, serving as Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. To build on the aspirations of last year’s Durban climate summit,...
More »Core committees notified for implementation of direct cash transfers
-Rediff.com In a move that shows the urgency and seriousness with which the UPA 2 is planning the execution of first phase of direct cash transfer scheme before the January 1, 2013, deadline it has set for itself, the Union government has notified formation of two core committees -- called Mission Mode Committees -- tasked with rollout of the scheme. One can imagine the urgency and importance accorded to the direct...
More »Trapped in depression -Sharmistha Chowdhury
-The Hindu A recent survey in the Sunderbans region of West Bengal reveals an alarming trend of rising mental health problem among women Everyday, when Badal, a sturdy young man of Sunderbans returns home at dusk, he finds his mother, Kamala, sitting placidly in the verandah, staring into the distance with strangely unseeing eyes. The house, otherwise, is abuzz with activity. His daughter is bringing in the cows, his sons are clamouring...
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