-CounterView.net In an incident which has created a flutter among Right to Information (RTI) activists across India, goonda elements, said to be close to a BJP legislator in Rajasthan have brutally attacked the 100-day Accountability or Jawabdehi Yatra, begun by Magsaysay Award winner and pioneer of the RTI Act Aruna Roy. The incident took place in Aklera area of Zalawad district, which falls into Manoharthana constituency. According to eye-witnesses, MLA Kanwar Lala...
Aruna rally under attack
-The Telegraph Jaipur: A rally flagged off by social activist Aruna Roy was attacked today in Rajasthan chief minister Vasundhara Raje's constituency by suspected BJP activists, led by an MLA. At least six rallyists were injured. An FIR has been filed against the MLA and others. The Aklera police station assistant SHO, Manmohan Bairwa, said: "The FIR has been lodged against the present MLA of Aklera and 30-35 unidentified people.... No arrests have...
More »Odd-even scheme: In capital of entitlement, awareness, heavy fine drove ‘90 pc’ compliance -Apurva
-The Indian Express The jury may still be out on the short-term pollution control mechanism, but for the first fortnight of 2016, a majority of Delhi’s car owners persisted in following the policy. DELHI’S COMMUTERS are seldom known for their decorum. But for 15 days starting January 1, even with the odds stacked against Delhi, the road rationing policy gained traction, slowly but surely. The jury may still be out on...
More »SC: Is AFSPA in Manipur eternal? -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Thursday asked the Manipur government how long the Army should be deployed in the state and enjoy unaccountable power under the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and whether 35 years of the Army's presence had improved the law and order situation. The court had appointed a high-level inquiry committee headed by an ex-judge of the SC to inquire into allegations that...
More »Why India has a ‘low’ crime rate -Deeptiman Tiwary
-The Indian Express While Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands display high numbers of criminal activity, India stands with Yemen and Lebanon in the lower zone. Last month, when women and child development minister Maneka Gandhi was pushing through amendments to Juvenile Justice Act in Parliament that would lower the age of culpability as an adult from 18 to 16, she cited a rising number of crimes by juveniles. In the year...
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