-The Times of India GHAZIABAD: In a function here on Monday, UP chief minister Akhilesh Yadav distributed laptops to about 8,000 students from Ghaziabad and Noida in the presence of senior party leaders. The students belonged to the first batch shortlisted in the two districts-including 5,598 students from 10 schools in Ghaziabad and 2,476 students from five schools in Gautam Budh Nagar-for receiving free laptops as promised by the party. Akhilesh was...
Dealing With The Maoists -Chitrangada Choudhury and Ajay Dandekar
-Outlook The Maoists want a military conflict as it brings more adivasis into their fold. The Indian state's best bet is in ensuring that it wins over the aam adivasis to its side. May 25th's condemnable attack by the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army, which ended up killing and injuring over 50 people from Congress politicians to migrant adivasi labourers, cannot be understood without recognising the Maoist party's explicit political aims. These...
More »Ramesh asks PM for mining rethink-Sumi Sukanya
-The Telegraph Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh has written to the Prime Minister for a rethink on a CABinet committee's recent clearances to two mining projects in Jharkhand's Saranda forests. Ramesh has argued that the projects would harm his ministry's Rs 300-crore development plan for the region, alienate local tribals and weaken the fight to contain the Maoists, a ministry official said. The Prime Minister heads the CABinet committee on infrastructure, which gave...
More »Aruna Roy presses govt for pension to all unorganised labour
-The Business Standard Having quit the National Advisory Council (NAC), Aruna Roy of the Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Samiti (MKSS) will intensify the movement to get minimum wages countrywide under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act and a Rs 1,000 a month pension for unorganised labourers. She will also press the government to make it mandatory to have a pre-legislation process for all bills that the government proposes to introduce...
More »Centre firm on ‘barefoot doctors’-GS Mudur
-The Telegraph The Union health ministry has signalled its intentions to go ahead with plans to introduce a cadre of rural health care providers through a new BSc course, ignoring objections from a parliamentary panel. The ministry told Delhi High Court this week that it had sent a draft CABinet note on the three-and-a-half-year course in community health to the Prime Minister's Office for comments. This is standard procedure before the matter...
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