-PTI Amid housing shortage of up to 25 million units in the country, Urban Development Secretary Sudhir Krishna on Friday said there are 11 million homes that are vacant as per the latest census figure and out of that 10 per cent lies in the national capital region. Addressing a real estate conference organised by the RICS, a global body to set standards for realty sector, Mr. Krishna said the Centre is...
Tobacco use accounts for 40 per cent of all cancers in India, says report-R Prasad
-The Times of India "Number of deaths may shoot up to 1.2 million by 2035" Every year nearly one million new cancer cases are diagnosed in India, the prevalence being 2.5 million. With mortalities of 6,00,000-7,00,000 a year, cancer causes six per cent of all adult deaths in the country. The number of deaths per year is projected to shoot up to 1.2 million by 2035, according to a series of papers published...
More »A raw deal for migrants-Jayati Ghosh
-Frontline Significant part of economic migration is still the result of desperation rather than hard-headed economic calculation. This, in turn, affects the conditions under which workers migrate and their lives and work as well. PERHAPS the most poignant moment in the film Peepli Live-even though the movie is really more about the media than about the socio-economic realities of India-is at the very end, when the hapless protagonist, now a former farmer...
More »A guarantee for learning -Rukmini Banerji
-The Indian Express We have achieved close to universal enrolment. Now the focus should turn to the quality of education. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 states that every child in India has a right to a full-time elementary education of satisfactory and equitable quality in a formal school that satisfies certain essential norms and standards. Even a cursory reading of the law indicates that it...
More »Time running out to meet global warming target: UN report
-Reuters OSLO: World powers are running out of time to slash their use of high-polluting fossil fuels and stay below agreed limits on global warming, a draft UN study to be approved this week shows. Government officials and top climate scientists will meet in Berlin from April 7-12 to review the 29-page draft that also estimates the needed shift to low-carbon energies would cost between two and six percent of world...
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