-The Hindu Business Line Netizens up in arms on social media, seek better law instead The Centre on Wednesday asked Internet Service Providers (ISP) to block 32 websites citing National Security concerns, especially from terror group ISIS. The move created a flutter on social networking sites, as most of the Web sites, such as archive.org, vimeo.com, github.com, pastebin.com, codepad.org and paste2.org, were being used by global communities like application developers for free movies...
Curbs on TV channels soon
-PTI ‘It affects secrecy of the operation and puts forces, people in danger' The Union government is likely to ban live coverage of anti-terror operations by television channels soon. Citing the difficulties caused by such coverage during the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, the Home Ministry has asked the Information and Broadcasting Ministry to amend the Programme Code under the Cable Television Network Rules to ban live telecast of terror-related operations. In its letter...
More »Fencing the farmer out -Jairam Ramesh & Muhammad Khan
-The Hindu In the name of economic reforms and development, the government has taken a significant step backward in India's march to land justice. The pushing through of the Land Act ordinance violates all democratic norms On Monday, the Bharatiya Janata Party government cleared the proposed ordinance to amend the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013. This amendment, insofar as has been made known...
More »Report on India’s tribal population kept under wraps -Mukta Patil
-Down to Earth High-level committee report was submitted to the Prime Minister's Office in May 2014, and includes radical recommendations Tribal communities have historically faced the brunt of the state's development agenda. It seems the attitude of the government towards the tribal communities has changed little over the years. A report of the current status of tribal communities, submitted to the Prime Minister's Office in May 2014, has been kept under wraps with...
More »Minimum monthly wages could go up to Rs 15,000 -Subhomoy Bhattacharjee
-The Indian Express The Centre plans to fix minimum national monthly wages at around Rs 15,000 for all jobs in both the formal and informal sectors in the country. The National Minimum Wages Act, 1948, lays down minimum wages for 45 listed economic activities, which also serve as minimum wages for these activities in the states. However, states can specify minimum wages for over 1,600 economic activities. Raising floor wages to Rs 15,000...
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