Nearly 4.9 crore rural households were provided employment under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in the last fiscal, says the UPA-II's report card released by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday. The average wage rate per day in the programme has gone up by Rs.25 in the last three years, says the report which outlines steps taken in the past year for rural renewal, a thrust area...
Biometric cards to NREGA workers on anvil
In an innovative move, biometric cards will be given to those working under NREGA to bring more transparency in the implementation of the Centre's employment guarantee programme, facing complaints of gross irregularities and malpractices in many parts of the country. A decision to prepare biometric database of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA workers "within 12 months" has recently been taken by the Rural Development Ministry here in a meeting which was also...
More »Biodiversity, development, livelihoods by MS Swaminathan
Biodiversity drives sustainable and climate-resilient farming and the biotechnology industry. Everything should be done to spread bio-literacy for an era of bio-happiness in rural and urban India through the conversion of bio-resources into jobs and income. Biodiversity provides building blocks for sustainable food, health and livelihood security systems. It is the feedstock for the biotechnology industry and a climate-resilient farming system. Given its importance, a Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)...
More »The Land Bank Ledger by Sugata Srinivasaraju
The Karnataka government is getting ready to host the Global Investors Meet (3- 4 June). A similar jamboree held some years ago, when S M Krishna was chief minister, had been a resounding flop, but this one, the government believes, would be a runaway success. There has been no dearth of publicity for the event in the media and there has been no shortage of roadshows on foreign soil. A...
More »Basic Adversities Faced by Women in the World of Work by Sona Mitra
The global platform for action on gender equality and women’s empowerment was fixed in Beijing 15 years ago and international organizations like the ILO, women activists and researchers, policymakers, etc all over the world have advocated for gender equality in the world of work for even longer. Although women constitute almost 41 per cent of the global labour force, yet the productive potential of women workers still remains grossly undermined....
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