-The Times of India The probe into the mega-billion 'Coalgate' scam moved into a higher gear on Tuesday, with the Central Bureau of Investigation registering five FIRs into irregularities against five companies and several individuals, including a leading political family of Maharashtra. Those named in the first set of FIRs include Congress member of Rajya Sabha Vijay Jawaharlal Darda, his brother and education minister of Maharashtra Rajendra J Darda and his son...
Sweeper cuts cord as doctors keep off HIV+ woman
-The Hindustan Times Despite crores being spent on HIV/AidS sensitisation campaigns, it still remains an anathema — even for doctors and nurses. Why else would an HIV positive woman in advanced pregnancy be forced to go home when she came to the hospital to deliver? What's worse, the woman, (name withheld) from Dahapada village under Remuna block, was left unattended for 2 hours after she delivered in an ambulance on way...
More »AidWA concerned over dismantling of GoM on ‘honour’ killing
-The Hindu The All-India Democratic Women’s Association (AidWA) on Monday expressed concern over dismantling of the Group of Ministers (GoM) set up in mid-2010 to examine the issue of crimes and killings in the name of “honour”. “Commitment” AidWA president Shyamali Gupta sAid: “This GoM was constituted under the chairmanship of former Union Finance Minister [and President] Pranab Mukherjee to suggest legal and other measures for dealing with these crimes and killing. The...
More »Let the healing begin -Harsh Mander
-The Hindustan Times As news filtered in of extended life sentences for 31 persons for the brutal slaughter 10 years ago in Naroda Patiya, a working-class suburb of Ahmedabad, my eyes clouded over. I remembered my first meetings with the traumatised survivors of the massacre in the crowded relief camps in the city, a full decade earlier. I was heartsick and stunned by their stories of incredible cruelty. I wondered if...
More »For Varanasi widows, salvation is in ‘thorns’ -Bitan Sikdar
-The Telegraph Varanasi, Sept. 2: When the pain becomes excruciating, Lakhyi Pal smiles. No, it’s not age — she is 98 — that has dulled her senses. For her, such “thorns” are the “pathway to salvation”, and Shiva. Pain-relieving gel, or no gel. Abandoned widowhood, or dextrocardia. Prolonged complications from the congenital condition — where the heart is located on the right side of the thorax — has not dampened the spirits of...
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