-Down to Earth Experience shows free medicines help more, say some experts Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan announced on Wednesday that his government will launch the National Health Assurance Mission in the current fiscal year. The idea, the minister said, is to "assure" every Indian citizen with appropriate health care. Speaking at the 8th Health Insurance Summit, organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), he said everyone should have access to...
Census busts urban myth, finds Bharat has more ‘DINKs’ -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: With all the buzz around double-income power couples, it is easy to believe that more and more urban families have given up the sole breadwinner model of the past. But that would be a mistake, as just released Census 2011 data shows. An overwhelming 51 per cent of urban households live on the income of a single earner, while double-income families are a distant 26 per...
More »‘Towering’ problem shocks farmers -JS Ifthekhar
-The Hindu High tension electricity towers installed in fields render the land partially useless Hyderabad (Telengana): Mohd Burhan, a small farmer, is faced with a piquant situation. He has to marry off his daughter and all he has is a piece of land to meet the expenditure. Well, he is prepared to sell away his 10 guntas situated at Ibrahimpally near Chevella for the marriage. But there are simply no takers. A few...
More »A Case Against Curtailing Public Subsidises in Higher Education -Nivedita Sarkar and Anuneeta Mitra
-Vikalp The contribution of education in economic development has been investigated since the early 1960s, originating in the University of Chicago (Schultz, 1961; Becker, 1964), championed by the Human Capital School - in which expenditure on education is regarded as an investment. It was argued through the endogenous growth theory (Lucas, 1988; Romer, 1990) that spending in education is crucial for increasing labour productivity and accelerating the pace of economic growth....
More »Learning from NREGA -Jean Drèze
-The Hindu Business Line Corruption in NREGA works has steadily declined in recent years. There are important lessons here that need to be extended to other domains One neglected aspect of the debate on the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) relates to the process aspects of the programme. In the process of planning works, organising employment, paying wages or fighting corruption, many valuable activities take place: Gram Sabhas are held, workers...
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