-Pratirodh.com The fanfare with which Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress president Sonia Gandhi launched a service delivery scheme in Rajasthan based on the Aadhaar (foundation) unique identity (UID), and celebrated the issue of the first Aadhaar number topping the 200-million mark, should make the Indian National Congress a very worried party indeed—assuming it has a good survival instinct and basic grasp of practical politics. To put it starkly, the Congress and...
Make Audit of Party Funds Mandatory: SY Quraishi
-Outlook Former Chief Election Commissioner S Y Quraishi has proposed mandatory annual audit of funds and donations received by political parties. "We want all political funding should be transparent and checked. There should be annual compulsory audits by an independent auditor to be picked up from a panel suggested by the Election Commission," Quraishi told PTI. He said the report of such audit should be put in the public domain. "Everybody will be able...
More »A village rape shatters a family, and India's traditional silence -Jim Yardley
-The New York Times Dabra: One after the other, the men raped her. They had dragged the girl into a darkened stone shelter at the edge of the fields, eight men, maybe more, reeking of pesticide and cheap whiskey. They assaulted her for nearly three hours. She was 16 years old. When it was over, the men threatened to kill her if she told anyone, and for days the girl said nothing....
More »A price has to be paid, and has to be seen to be paid, if mainstream political parties are to recover ground-Ashok Malik
-Tehelka By brazening it out against graft allegations, our netas are mocking common decencies. IT IS extremely unlikely that India Against Corruption, or the political arm it has promised, will win too many votes or even a single seat in the 2014 Lok Sabha election. It goes without saying though that at the current juncture, it is winning a perception and media battle against the political class. Each time a politician is...
More »Netaji sees red
-The Indian Express But in this year of the scam, the political class must refrain from lashing out at the messenger To shoot the messenger while simultaneously shooting yourself in the foot is a feat of marksmanship that politicians are performing with agility. The achievement is being recorded by the pitiless gaze of the camera — which is also the cause of all the excitement. Former Himachal Pradesh chief minister Virbhadra Singh...
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