Search is on for the 15-year-old girl's father, Umed Singh Domestic help offered Rs. 10,000 to take the blame In yet another case of ‘honour killing' in Rohtak, a 15-year-old girl was allegedly murdered at the behest of her father because he suspected her of having an affair with a neighbourhood boy. An accomplice has been nabbed while Umed Singh, the father of the girl, is on the run. The teenager was reported...
Unscreened footage throws light on Binayak Sen case by Aman Sethi
A pair of burly hands affixes several lengths of masking tape to an open brown bag. Then the same hands are shown to belong to an officer of the Chhattisgarh police; one hand holds the bag open as the other riffles through the bag's contents. “This is what we have taken,” says a voice in Hindi. When the police leave the house of Binayak Sen, an award-winning physician and human rights...
More »Testimony of a merchant sealed Binayak Sen's fate by Supriya Sharma
The testimony of a cloth merchant appears to have sealed the case against Binayak Sen, the doctor and civil rights activist sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of criminal conspiracy and sedition. Sen had been accused of passing seditious letters from jailed Maoist ideologue Narayan Sanyal to Piyush Guha, a Kolkata businessman. Both Sanyal and Guha were handed down life terms along with Sen. A close reading of the 92-page...
More »2,000 agitating Adivasis in jail since December 14 by Meena Menon
Nearly 2,000 Adivasis and activists demanding forest rights in Nandurbar are under arrest since December 14 in various jails in Maharashtra, but their crime was not that they protested in support of their demands. “When we asked for some corrections in the written reply to our demands, the Collector objected and said we were not withdrawing our agitation. Finally our demand that the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the SIMI [Students Islamic...
More »A shocking verdict
The life sentence handed down to Binayak Sen by a Chhattisgarh trial court on Friday is so over the top and outrageous that it calls into question the fundamentals of the Indian justice system. The trial judge shocked the conscience of the nation by finding the eminent doctor and rights activist guilty of sedition and conspiring to wage war against the state under Sections 120(B) and 124(A) of the Indian...
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